Thursday, November 25, 2004

"Is it OU-D?"

That question frustrates me so much. It's almost as bad as when people say, "Me and my friend went..." (even though some believe that usage has become accepted.) Do you want to know if it's dairy or if it's not Cholov Yisroel? If that's the case, ask if it's Cholov Stam. If you want to know if it's dairy, ask me if it's dairy. There ARE products that have the Hechsher of OU-D, but are Cholov Yisroel as well, so if you ask me if it's OU-D, and I say yes, it could still be Cholov Yisroel, but you won't know because you will have assumed that OU-D means Cholov Stam!!


At 11/28/2004 4:35 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

I was recently reading an old Tradition that was lying around with an intro by Rabbi Feldman something to the effect of the fact that the literature coming out of the frum world was in jargon rather than in English.
In speech I've found such odd usages to be more prevelant though arguably less of an issue than in publishing.

At 5/27/2006 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

500 years ago would they ask is it ou-d, cholov yisrael? NO!

Everything nowdays is about the $. There are foods out there that can be kosher however the companies don't want to pay the extra amount to have a stamp on it.

At 7/18/2006 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon-so what do you want them to do? The OU is a not for profit organization, but they have to pay the workers. If the companies don't pay, they don't get certified. If you'd like to make your own bread & milk your own cows to make sure everything's kosher like they did 500 years ago, you're welcome to, but most people find it easier to trust reliable kashrus organizations & maybe pay a little extra to cover the cost of the certification.


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