Monday, February 20, 2006

I Eat Bugs

I love how these people "in power" make these announcements, and the whole world stops because of it.

So last year (or something) it was the Sheitels. They were made with Indian hair, and all that. So it's Avodah Zarah. Out of the clear blue. One day, someone decided to resurrect this panic from 30 years ago. Sure, people have been wearing sheitels since then, but one day, it wasn't okay anymore. So there was a DAY, one day, where people didn't wear sheitels. They wore hats, they wore snoods, they wore tichels, and the people who wore sheitels felt all guilty about it. But then we never heard from it again, and the very next day, people wore sheitels. Something tells me people just do this to keep life interesting. Oh, and to make money.

Then there's the whole bugs in the water thing. So some guy decided to make a lot of money selling water filters. Because the same water that we have been drinking for years is now infested with Copecods. So every restaurant, bakery, bagel store---anywhere you can buy food, boasts, "we filter our water." I don't wanna get into it because some Rabbanim say you need one, others don't, and it gets all hairy. But it seems to me that there is some CEO in his office laughing at the hysteria.

Finally, there's the whole Romaine lettuce thing. So for all of us who have been eating Dole all this time, suddenly there are tons of bugs? And the powerwashing won't do it? And then you have the battle here, about whether they're visible to the naked eye, and whether that makes a difference. It gives people something to talk about besides other people. I just don't get it though. Some stores still only sell Iceberg, and others have the Romaine (gasp!)lettuce restored with Hechsheirim. Nobody ever told anyone if it was resolved, when, or how. They just appeared in my Kosher supermarket one day. But there are people who still won't eat Romaine lettuce. Oh, and FORGET about fresh broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes...

I don't want to Chas V'shalom express a lack of Kavod for our Gedolim. If they are behind these things, they have good reason.

I do, however, not appreciate the corporate minds, and the "politics" that go on behind the scenes throughout many of these "crises." (You know, the water crisis, the lettuce crisis, the sheitel crisis....)

"Did you see any Romaine in ______? ........Do you filter your water? .........Oh sorry I can't eat in your house...My Rav says this, yours says that....My sheitel is from ________....... Mine is synthetic...."

Somehow, Jewish life in Brooklyn would not be the same without all this juicy watercooler discussion.


At 2/20/2006 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are you guys complaining about. In Lakewood they came about with this redicilous Internet ban, and all that accomplished was basically the same thing as when VP Quayle took a swipe at the Murhy Brown TV show and it went from a totally unheard of flop, to the most watched show in America.

At 2/20/2006 5:22 PM, Blogger Y.Y. said...

hilarious post

At 2/20/2006 6:43 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Chana-interesting analogy.

Truthfully, I don't think the ban will cause more people to use the internet, but it not stop those who did already.

I guess nobody will accuse you of being stuck in a time warp--(most people my age in my 'community' don't know of what you speak, but I do)

At 2/21/2006 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I don't live in Brooklyn...

At 2/21/2006 8:22 AM, Blogger Orthonomics said...

The really weird thing about the lettuce is that after this big fight against the Star-K and their lettuce, I saw unopened Star-K bags of iceberg lettuce mix that had a big sticker claiming that there is no need to check the lettuce and that it is certified by some other heksher.

After blasting the Star-K, why is there an extra certification saying the lettuce is "OK" so to speak on unopened bags?

At 2/21/2006 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, they found that there had been bugs in the Romaine lettuce. The triple wash method that has been used for years was found to be effective for iceberg, but not for Romaine. Hence, the controversy. The star-k relies on the little-used hetter of rove to give their psak, but Belsky and co. don't hold of it.

At 2/21/2006 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michelle-you might want to be a little circumspect as far as your title goes-do you really mean that you eat bugs? it's no small thing we're dealing with. Everyone please keep in mind the tremendous amount of lavim that are violated with the consumption of each small bug. This is no laughing matter, and gedolim have rightfully taken the issue seriously.

At 2/21/2006 12:17 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

anonymouses #1 and #2-I understand what you're saying, and I have learned about eating bugs in Seminary and how serious it is. I am not belittling it. I am just trying to express my skepticism in the system. Why was everyone against the Star-K? Are they in a fight over a completely unrelated issue, and imposing these things on the unknowing consumers?

I dont know what goes on behind the scenes. If I did, I don't think I'd like it anyway.

As far as the title, somebody once told me that my titles were boring. So I figured this one would explain the contents of the piece in a few short words. And make the reader want to read on. Simple as that. I apologize if that offended anyone. I don't eat bugs intentionally, but also keep in mind those who say there are different Halachos about the bugs when they are dead, and when they are not visible to the naked eye.

At 2/22/2006 6:22 AM, Blogger Moochy said...

Mindy, LOL
Michelle, come on.. You left a whole bunch of them out.
The Tumeneh eituv, The red turbans, Hot cups, Moisture cure, Gal Paz in Willi, 2 piece knits, cell phones for woman,and so on, and they were all in the last year....
BTW ,someone leaked classified information about the next one... edible panties without a hechsher (or rabinical supervision).

At 2/23/2006 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to find a rav you trust & who's halachic decisions you will follow. Otherwise it's all so confusing! We don't have a posek like R' Moshe anymore, & that's why everything's all chaotic.

At 2/23/2006 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chani - don't give me the R' Moshe line. It's BS! R' Moshe said a lot of things that nobody gives a damn about. Did you know that he held it's assur to go to a ballgame? Or to eat a Thanksgiving dinner? Or that a certificate from a company regarding ingredients is good enough? According to R' Moshe, one may not set his air conditioner using a shabbos clock. So his piskei halacha were not universally accepted. The only time people get nuts is about the eiruv, because it fits their anti-YU/YI agenda. They say, we can't argue on R' Moshe. Poppycock! R' Moshe often argued on something the Mishna Brurah said. If people were honest, they would examine the eiruv issue from sqaure one rather than exploit R' Moshe by pretending that his psaks are the be all and end all. Gimme a break!

At 2/23/2006 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

for the records Reb Moshe also held listening to music, except by a Chasana or Seudas Mitzva is ossur. How many ppl follow that one.

At 2/23/2006 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep! Forgot about that one.....

At 2/24/2006 12:55 AM, Blogger Orthoprax said...

"it's no small thing we're dealing with. Everyone please keep in mind the tremendous amount of lavim that are violated with the consumption of each small bug. This is no laughing matter, and gedolim have rightfully taken the issue seriously."

You guys should hold on one second, step out of "seminary mode" and really appreciate what is being said here.

Can you imagine a judicial system that would whip you over 200 times for eating a fly? Seriously.

At 2/27/2006 8:04 AM, Blogger JustAGirl said...

Orthoprax-do your research. Eating bugs is a terrible to do.

Michelle-I can't believe you even went to Seminary. There's a waste of tuition right there.

Who is feeding you this cynical garbage about them being out for the money? They are there to help Bnei Yisroel live in America and follow the Mitzvos better.

At 2/27/2006 8:22 PM, Blogger David_on_the_Lake said...

This past year has definitely been the year of the controversy..
Isnt it amazing how every 2 weeks something else crawled along? (no pun intended)

At 2/28/2006 7:38 PM, Blogger Orthoprax said...


"Orthoprax-do your research. Eating bugs is a terrible to do."

What research is that? Let's cut to the chase, would you care to explain why this is a terrible evil?


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